"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." ~William Arthur Ward
Hello All, long time no post
right? Now I will tell you about the one of Inspiring person i my life. He is
very famous in my school, he is Mr. Hera Herani.
Hera is my mathematic teacher, every one in SMAN 3 certainly know him. in 10th
grade, he teach 3 class, there are X IPA 1, X IPA 2, and X IPA 3, so my class is
teach by him, and he is our homeroom too. He is a very ambitious person, he
has a very big spirit to teach us to be better, sometimes we feel bored and
sleepy when he is teaching, but sometimes he give us the “Intermezzo” like a
games. At one time, he read a poetry infront of class, he said that he have
make some poetry and some of it have shown at a radio. Yes! He is a multi talent
person, he tell us that he have do some other job, like make a shoes, make a
poetry, and make the fountain, who’s know the fountain infront of SMAN 3 is made
by him.
He is a
really kind teacher, beside a lot of assignment that he give to us and it’s
always make we dizzy (actually it is my outpouring), he give us the
freedom to choose everything to the
final task that we usually call individual assignment, we can make a papers, or
a poster or a film and It not must do by
Individual but we can do it in a group.
He is a funny person too, as we
know, mathematic is the theory lesson, but sometimes he practice the material,
for example, at sequence
and series lesson, he was jumped infront of class. It’s make we
is a 50 years old men from Rancaekek, Bandung regency, West Java, Indonesia. He
has been teaching at SMAN 3 Bandung since 1990 until now. From that, we know
that he is a senior teacher in my school.
His teaching programe’s
are came to the class appropriate with the bell rang, we can said it to be discipline
in time.
He love
teaching at SMAN 3 because the students at here are trained. For him, If he
teaching, It’s much touching to the students. There are some lesson that
difficult, so the lesson must clean up.
it must give some effects to every teacher.
So, He’s the one of Inspiring
person in my life.